Wednesday, 30 May 2007

Storyworld - 7 sins - Tasks for next week

Recording police interview questions and cutting them with each persons recorded answers.

Police letter, Jonathans flash face, new relationship map, club questlist Jonathans buisness card. Audio interview.

Where is jonathan? exhibition posters, flyer for the club. Audio interview.

Images of jonathan, map of london. Audio interview.

Grahams buisness card, financial info from newspaper article about Jonathans company. Audio interview.

Audio interview.

CCTV footage. Audio interview.

Police interview questions.

Name, age, address and occupation.

1. How do you know Jonathan Spillers-Guinness?
2. When did you last have contact with Mr. Spillers-Guiness?
3. Where were you on the night of the 26th of May 2007?
4. How would you describe your relationship with Mr. S-G?
5. Are you aware of Mr. S-G's finanacial situation?
6. Can you think of any reason for his dissappearance?
7. Have you any idea where he may be?

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